※This dinner menu is offered to customers who have booked a Kaiseki meal plan. It cannot be ordered in that day.
《風鈴の音響く月の御献立 ~スタンダード月替会席~》
◆Aperitif 食前酒
Today’s special (Japanese sake) 本日の食前酒
◆Assorted seasonal side dish 前菜
Steamed soy milk custard with ginger sauce
豆乳蒸し 鰆と生雲丹にモロヘイヤを生姜庵で
Boiled octopus and vegetables 蛸の甘露煮と小芋、白芋茎にオクラ
Boiled shrimp and grilled eggplant 川津海老と焼き茄子に生湯葉、穂紫蘇をべっ甲庵で
Sweetfish with potato salad 鮎サラダ焼に枝豆
◆Sashimi 向付
Assorted seasonal Sashimi 本日の逸品をあしらいと共に
◆Nabe 小鍋
Hamo-nabe (Hamo= pike conger=, tofu and vegetables) with yuzu-kosyo (spice)
※Hamo is swished in boiling water for a few second.
We recommend to mix the spice (yuzu-kosyo) in the soup.
鱧鍋 玉葱と若布に萵苣、九条葱、白占地と葛切り お好みで柚子胡椒
◆Fried dish 油物
Fried Kobe pork,tofu and vegetables 唐揚げ 神戸ポーク 豆富に甘長グリーン
◆Teppanyaki 鉄板焼
Kobe-beef and vegetables 神戸牛 大黒占地とヤングコーンに馬鈴薯
※Please dipped in a ponzu or salt or wasabi or Yuzukosyo(Japanese spice)
◆Boiled dish 変り鉢
Steamed Tajima duck breast and Tajima chicken 但馬鴨ロースと但馬鶏
Boiled tomato with white wine 赤茄子甲州煮にバジルジュレ
Takikomi-gohan(Today’s special), pickles and dessert
The menu is subject to change depending on the day's purchases.