※This dinner menu is offered to customers who have booked a Kaiseki meal plan. It cannot be ordered in that day.
《風薫る月の御献立 ~スタンダード月替会席~》
◆Aperitif 食前酒
Today’s special (Japanese sake) 本日の食前酒
◆Appetizer 先付
“Tsumire”(duck breast) with onion sauce
但馬鴨つみれ 新玉葱擂り流し
◆Sushi お凌ぎ
Wagyu-sushi 黒毛和牛鮨 お口直しのセロリとパプリカに花茗荷
◆Sashimi お造り
Assorted seasonal Sashimi 本日の逸品をあしらいと共に
◆Hors d'oeuvre 八寸
Today’s special fish with egg sauce 黄金焼 本日のお魚
Tajima-duck breast wrapped fruits with grain mustard sauce
但馬鴨フルーツ包み 粒マスタードソースで
Boiled pollack’s egg, shrimp and clam with kinome jelly
Salted squid 烏賊酒盗和え
Boiled Japanese scallop with white wine 貝柱甲州蒸しに水雲
◆Nabe 小鍋
Shin-syoga nabe (Homebred chicken, ginger, tofu and vegetables)
新生姜鍋 但馬鶏にレタスと水菜 九条葱に柿の木茸、椎茸
※When you see steam, let it cook a little before eating.
◆Griled food 焼物
Salmon, asari clam and bacon’s gratin
◆Boiled dish 留肴
Cold Kobe-pork Shabu Shabu and eggplant 神戸ポークと賀茂茄子翡翠
Takikomi-gohan, pickles and dessert dried green lavers
The menu is subject to change depending on the day's purchases.