※This dinner menu is offered to customers who have booked a Kaiseki meal plan. It cannot be ordered in that day.
《風光る月の御献立 ~スタンダード月替会席~》
◆Aperitif 食前酒
Today’s special (Japanese sake) 本日の食前酒
◆Hors d'oeuvre 前菜
Boiled conger eels rolled with egg 煮穴子巻繊焼き
Prosciutto wrapped cream cheese and potato 生ハム包み むじくろじ大根と共に
Boiled shrimp with ashitaba(Japanese vegetable) sauce 海老と明日葉擂り流し
“Warabi” (edible wild plants) in a tofu sauce 蕨白和えに蝶々甘藷
Boiled today’s fish and ikura 焼浸し 本日のお魚に花山葵といくら
◆Sashimi お造り
Assorted seasonal Sashimi 本日の逸品をあしらいと共に
◆Boiled dish 変り鉢
Today’s special (Meat dishes) 本日のお肉料理 二種 お野菜いろいろ添えて
◆Nabe 小鍋
Sukiyaki Wa-gyu and vegetable
※When the soup is boiled, please put beaten yamatoimo(yam)
黒毛和牛すき焼き 玉ねぎと九条葱に牛房、結び蒟蒻、しいたけと花茗荷
◆Fried food 油物
Fried young ayu (sweetfish) and Fried ice fish’s tofu rolled with cherry leaves
※Please dipped in a special salt 稚鮎の唐揚げと白魚香り揚げ
◆Boiled dish 焚合
Wakatake-tofu(steamed ground white fish added bamboo and seaweed),
Honbinosu shellfish and vegetables
若竹豆富 ホンビノス貝に菜種と千枚大根
◆Pickled dish 酢の物
Boiled firefly squid, salmon and Japanese scallop with basil sauce
富山より蛍烏賊 燻しサーモンと帆立に芽甘藍 キウイと紅芯大根に赤玉葱
◆Takikomi-gohan, pickles and dessert dried green lavers
The menu is subject to change depending on the day's purchases.